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3rd HFOV, HFJV and advanced ventilation course

Dear Colleagues,

It has now become a tradition to meet in Edmonton in June to discuss recent advances in the field of HFOV, HFJV and conventional ventilation.

The program was developed by the local organization committee together with feedback from participants of previous courses and invited speakers.

Will discuss the rationales why HFOV or HFJV might work, what is the necessary physiological knowledge (especially on recruitment), how to use it in clinical practice, and finally what is the evidence on clinical outcome. This year’s course will include in depth discussion on the use of Volume guarantee with HFOV. In addition, Non-invasive HFOV and Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist (NAVA®) are increasingly used and will be topics.

During the two days of the course there will be many opportunities for detailed discussions on practical aspects and theoretical background of HFOV, HJFV, NAVA, and advanced conventional ventilation. Distinguished speakers are invited to share their experiences and discuss various aspects on neonatal ventilation.

To make the symposium as interesting as possible, we have several Hands-on sessions for medical staff and also added hands-on sessions for nursing staff to address nursing care during HFOV and HFJV. We also have all the currently available ventilators at the conference to discuss their pros and cons with the companies.

On behalf of the organization committee, we are looking forward to welcoming you in Edmonton!

Georg Schmölzer Po-Yin Cheung

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